
My name is Nigel Lovecraft, a direct descendant of the famed Lovecraft family, I come from a long-line of sorcerers, magician, and witches. For generations my family has been bred to command power and to disseminate it at our discretion and always to our advantage. I have been a student of the magical arts for over thirty years pouring over the ancient grimoires for the secrets of black magic.

While, by all outward appearances, I make my living as a math-teacher; the truth is that in the guise of The Warlock I occupy the highest echelons of power and authority within and around Midvale, Illinois (itself a place a power). Presently, I am the High Priest of the Coven of Shadows, master of the Coffer of Shadow, and a devotee of Baphomet!

As Warlock, I command an impressive network of supernatural and human agents to do my bidding. In fact, very little occurs in these parts without my knowledge and consent. My position has afforded me a life of power and wealth, but it has also created many enemies who would seek to take it from me. In order to circumvent those who would usurp my power I was forced to adopt this double-life. As the Warlock,  I often wear a mask resembling Baphomet to hide my identity. 

As a teacher with the prestigious Midvale School for Higher Learning I have positioned myself to shape and mold the minds of tomorrow's leaders. In addition, my position as a teacher allows me access to information that will become invaluable when these youth come to power as politicians, businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Though my power hasn't gone unchallenged, I have heretofore overcome all opposition. Most recently I was betrayed by Selena, one of my students, who came into possession of an alien artifact which amplified her magic to almost unfathomable levels. If not for the appearance of a Supergirl on our world I fear I may have met my end. 

Nonetheless, Supergirl defeated Selena banishing her to another dimension and then disappeared. Everything returned to normal for a time, however, Supergirl has recently re-appeared in Midvale interfering with many of my operations. Now the battle is joined and it remains to be seen which will overcome, might or magic? Oh how I ache to rip her eyes out....to tear her heart asunder! And I will not rest until one of us is dust!