Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Little Chapel of the Roses

Little Chapel of the Roses

The Little Chapel of the Roses is a non-denominational church which was established in 1980 by Reverend Raymond Randolph to serve the small community of Midvale. Although the Reverend is Protestant, the chapel has been used by Christians, members of other religions, and sometimes interfaith communities, as a place of fellowship and worship. The Reverend offers wedding services, funereal services, and communion twice a week on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Evenings.

Reverend Randolph is active in the community often allowing the homeless to sleep in the chapel on cold nights, feeding the poor and hungry, and has even taken in runaways going so far as to pay for their bus fare back home. In addition he allows the local chapter of the AA (Alcoholic Anonymous) to meet in the Chapel’s meeting room where he often makes himself available to counsel others. Many couples credit the Reverend’s counsel with saving their marriages as well.

However, there is a dark side to Rev. Randolph and only a few people know about his past. Revered Randolph was actually born Michael O’Malley and grew up in New York where he became a Catholic Priest. Father O’Malley was well liked by his congregation until it was discovered that he was stealing from the church and sleeping with several women (and sometimes men) in his flock. After being confronted with the evidence of his misdeeds, the Arch-Diocese refused to punish Father O’Malley. However, after it was discovered that Father O’Malley was practicing black-magick at the altar late at night the congregation gathered together and drove him from town under threat of death.

O’Malley made his way to Midvale where he changed his name and used his stolen funds to establish his Church. He chose the Rose to be the symbol for his church due to his interest in the esoteric order of Rosicrucianism. During the day, Revered Randolph presents himself as a young, handsome Priest whose only concern is the spiritual well-being of his congregation and the prosperity of the community. However, old habits die hard, as he continues to practice his dark arts going so far as to practice the Black-Mass late at night along with his many female and male lovers.

Reverend Randolph also makes a comfortable living providing wares for various members of the magickal community such as blessed candles, holy water, various incenses, herbs, as well as more rare and hard to obtain materia magica-- such as human body parts. In addition, for the right price he will say a mass for various purposes such as the death of an enemy. His position as a trusted Priest also allows him to gain information about various members of the community which he often uses as leverage against them in return for money, favors and sex. 

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