Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Planes of Existence

Current physics theorize that there are eleven planes of existence. The dimensions with which we are familiar consist of spatial dimension of left-right (length); back-forth (width) and up-down (depth). The fourth dimension is considered to be Time, which has two directions as well. However we have no words for forward and backward in time like we do for the spatial dimensions.

Superstring theories need to posit the existence of additional dimensions to make their sums work, bringing the total number of spatial dimensions up to eleven. In order to explain why we do not notice the extra dimensions, it has been proposed that they are coiled up incredibly tightly, so only tiny objects can experience them.

Many of these higher dimension are all around us, but curled up so small that we have no freedom of movement though them. More accurately, we are moving through them all the time, but they are so short that they don't slow us down in our passage through the four dimension with which we are familiar.  In order to consider what the fourth (or more) dimension would look like, we need to step everything down a dimension for an analogy. Imagine a sheet of paper rolled into a long, thin cylinder. From a distance, it looks like a line, it has only one dimension. As you get closer, you can see it has another dimension (thickness) so you might perceive it as a rectangle. Closer still, you can see that it curves in a third dimension (circumference). Image that process continuing and you might have some idea what extra dimensions might be like.

The nature of these dimensions have occupied the thoughts of scientists and magicians alike. Of these dimensions, the Ancient Masters have identified only a few they are:
  • Inner-Space
  • The Phantom Zone
  • The Fifth Dimension
  • The Astral Plane


Inner-Space is another dimension of reality which exists within its own pocket dimension. While some believe that the dimension itself exists on a subatomic level, this is a misnomer. It is only the Nexus, or doorway, to innerspace that exists on a subatomic level.  Therefore the only way to enter or leave inner-space is via a process of vibrational attunement, or shrinking. It is thus theoretically possible to enter the same microverse from different points on Earth.

Supergirl was said to have appeared on Earth from inner-space emerging from a lake. She was also seen entering the same lake with the omegahedron after having defeated the evil witch Selena. Therefore it has been theorized that the nexus to her specific pocket-dimension is water.

The Phantom-Zone

The ancient grimoires speak of "The Wasteland" a dimension of darkness and desolation where evil-doers are banished for all eternity. In this place they are gradually stripped of their corporeal form and their spirits drift for eternity in the shifting winds.

Virtually all cultures the world over have some concept of the Wasteland. In Greek mythology it was known as Hades and was the gloomy abode of the dead. In Christianity it  is known as Hell and is a place of fire and brimstone. In modern Paganism is it called The Winterland, a place where food and warmth are virtually non-existent.

Thirty years ago,  three criminals from the planet Krypton appeared on Earth.  It was revealed that they were freed from a dimension called the Phantom Zone in which they were imprisoned by the father of Superman. After an epic battle with Superman, the three criminals where once again banished to the Phantom Zone.  According to descriptions The Phantom Zone is similar to the Wasteland. In 1984, the evil witch Selena banished Supergirl to the Phantom Zone through sorcery and with the aid of a Kryptonian artifact that amplified her magical powers. However, Supergirl was somehow able to escape through an exit called the Quantum Vortex. Although she has refused to give any specific details about her journey out of the Phantom Zone she has admitted that it is extremely dangerous.

It is not known how the ancient masters became aware of the existence of the Phantom Zone, however it has been theorized that Superman is not the first Kryptonian to visit Earth and that his antecedent(s) shared information about his planet and culture with our ancestors.

The Fifth-Dimension

Popular thought has it that the Fifth-Dimension refers to the unknown aspects of the Universe. It has been theorized that the fifth dimension is probability, however this has yet to be proven or dis-proven.

According to Superman, and several witnesses, our dimensional reality has on several occasions been visited by an entity (described as an 'imp') from the Fifth-Dimension. This imp, who called himself Mister Mxyzptlk, claimed to not be bound by our physical laws and exhibited almost God-like powers which he used to shape reality on Earth. While Mxyzptlk outwardly appears to be a small imp-like humanoid, this may not be his true form. Lois Lane, once had the opportunity to see his true form and noted in her Daily Planet Column that he had "height, width, depth, and a few other things." However, being a trickster, this form may have been another of his illusions.

Mister Mxyzptk claims to have been visiting our dimension for several centuries and has been called by many named including Loki, Coyote, and Anansi. Due to these claims some believe that fifth-dimensional beings are the origin for the genies of myth and legend.

The Astral Plane

The Astral Plane is the dimension of thought and the mind.  According to occult teachings the astral plane can be visited consciously through astral projection, a process in which one's consciousness can separate from the physical body and project itself onto the astral plane. Individuals that are trained in meditation and lucid dreaming may also enter the astral plane, or by other means such as through magical spells  and telepathy.

This is by no means a comprehensive study of the planes of existence, but rather an overview. As we have seen there many planes of existence which go beyond that which we can experience through our own five senses and comprehend with our minds. It is the wise witch who will continue to explore the nature of the universe and herself.

~Nigel Lovecraft~

  • Advanced Algebra for Ancient Alchemist, Phineaus Crabb © 1822
  • Mystic Math for Magicians, Malcris the Sorcerer © 1546
  • The Daily Planet

How to Make the Sky Rain Coconuts....

...with pinpoint accuracy

Historical records are littered with accounts of mundane objects inexplicably falling from the sky. Some of these objects include rocks, fish, stones, coins, frogs, etc...

Curiously, in these instances there seems to be a lack of variety of falling objects when this phenomenon presents itself. For example, when stones falls from the sky there will be an absence of any other kind of matter (frogs, fish, coins, etc…) ;when fish fall from the sky there won’t be any stones.

Before the Age of Reason such incidences were thought to be the work of witches in league with the devil. Many renowned scientist of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries investigated reports of stones dropping out of the sky. They touched them, probed them and examined witnesses to their fall, but could not face the implications of the evidence.

One theory suggests that such stones are actually meteorites, but this has been disproved in many cases. Other theories suggest that storms and/or tornadoes are responsible for picking up small animals and hurling them through the skies to their death below.  In the modern era, some have theorized that these falling objects are a result of our dimensional reality intersecting with other parallels realms. While many theories have been put forth, no conclusive answer has been forthcoming.

The following spell, found in the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead purports to cause your enemy to be struck down by a coconut falling from a great height. It reads……

Form the image of your enemy in clay or mud that has been gathered at the mouth of the Nile River. Face the general direction of your enemy and place the image on the ground before you. Kneel over the image holding a coconut. Raise the coconut over your head and say:

“In the name of Geb,

by the power of Shu;

open sky and subdue!”

Smash the image to bits with the coconut. When you are done, stand up and walk away in the opposite direction without looking back.

~Nigel Lovecraft~

Thursday, July 29, 2010

To Create a Pox of Redness Raw & Blisters Bubbling

(A Study in Opposites)

Here's a minor curse to which I myself have fallen victim.......

Gather a smoky quartz gemstone, a bowl of water, & three pinches of sea salt

Gather a red candle

Gather a healing oil

Gather the healing herbs of carnation, sandalwood, and violet…

The down feather of a chicken

Let the salt trickle through your fingers into the bowl. Add each herb into the bowl and then the feather.

Carve the name of the person into the candle.

Anoint the candle with the material from the bowl. Light the candle & chant…..

“Spirits of the elements corrupt,

let (N’s) body with blistering boils erupt;

& plague him with a pox of redness raw,

until this curse I withdraw.”

Pick up the candle and tip it so that the red-wax falls upon a photograph of the victim. Where the wax falls, there shall the victim break out in blisters.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rite of Invisibility

An old rite to make oneself invisible and which can be found in The Lesser Key of Solomon states that one should collect seven black beans. Begin the ritual on a Wednesday before sunrise. Then take the head of a dead man and put one of the black beans in his mouth, two in his eyes and two in his ears. Then make upon his head the character of Morial. Afterwards bury the head with the face upwards, and for nine days before sunrise water it each morning with good brandy.

On the eighth day you will find the spirit mentioned, who will say to you: 'What wilt thou?' You will reply: 'I am watering my plant.' Then the Spirit will say: 'Give me the Bottle, I desire to water it myself.' In response, refuse him, even although he will ask you again. Then he will reach out with his hand and will show you the same figure which you had drawn upon the head.

Now you can be certain that this is the right spirit, the spirit of the head. There is a danger that some other Spirit might try to trick you, which would have evil consequences—and in that case your operation would not succeed. Then you may give him the bottle and he will water the head and depart. On the next day, which is the ninth, when you return you will find that the beans are germinating. Take them and put them in your mouth, or in that of a child. Those which do not confer invisibility are to be reburied with the head.

Nigel Lovecraft

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Potion to Inspire Love in Another

Here's a little potion I once taught Selena....use with caution.

Take a spider off its web and shut him up inside two shells of a nut. Boil the nut in oil, into which has been added a piece of the web. With a silver spoon, put two drops of oil into the water. He who drinks the water shall be in love with the first person he sees, so long as the spider stays shut up inside the nutshell, or one day goes by...which ever comes first.

Nigel Lovecraft